Photo by April Johnson


Susanna, your portfolio " a terrific body of work. I find myself going through image after image after image and looking at them again. I'm delighted that there is such variety, such unique visions, and I'm doubly excited to know you're not done with it and you're still working on it cause it's going to be great to see it evolve."

—Brooks Jensen, LensWork Extended Issue #188


Susanna, Beautiful waterfall shots!
I love how you bring your sensibility to all the subjects you shoot.

— Martin Bailey, International Workshop Leader, Tokyo

Susanna Euston is a long-time, award-winning photographer, artist, and graphic designer. For most of her 40+ years in the design and photographic arts, documentary photography was her focus, including commercial and portrait. In 1995, on moving to the Asheville, NC, area surrounded by beautiful national parks and forests, her attention turned to the landscape. 


She brings her love of nature and places, her sense of aesthetics and design, and old and new technical skills to create beautiful and creatively interpreted images of the natural environment. Her interpretations of nature embrace "Classical" black & white and color, Infrared, and Abstract Techniques. Joy and, sometimes, mystery radiate from her images. 


Susanna's several abstract techniques include Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) / Multiple Exposure, Infrared, and Macro. Each seems to have its season in her world: Macro in Winter, Intentional Camera Movement/Multiple Exposure in Spring and Fall, and Infrared throughout the Summer, although all three may find a niche in any season. And "classical" images are not forgotten! She continues interpreting nature through the lens of photo-realism.


Susanna offers one-on-one training in photography basics and private workshops tailored to your group's preferences. They are the perfect opportunity to expand one's knowledge of advanced composition and various photographic techniques, including Photorealistic/Classical, Monochromatic, Intentional Camera Movement, Infrared Photography, Abstract, Macro, and iPhone Photography (basic and artistic). She is available to speak and teach in group settings such as camera clubs. Click here for details.


Her work can be seen in shows and exhibits in the Western North Carolina region and at Trackside Studios in Asheville's River Arts District (RAD).




We do not take pictures with our cameras, but with our hearts and minds.
 ~ Arnold Newman


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