Laurel Falls, Fairview, NC

Laurel Falls' beautiful 18+ acres will 
take your breath away!


The Overview


For our time together, our classroom work will be held in Laurel Falls' Lodge. We'll explore the venue's beautiful natural features and head out to photograph the Blue Ridge Parkway and other wild areas. 


Take a look at Laurel Falls!


The Lodge



The Grounds





The Classroom

After a day of photography,
we'll hold processing and
critiques in the lodge.
The socially distanced learning space is
being designed now! More later...


The Accommodations

Laurel Falls beautiful lodging options are a welcome sight at the end of a day of photography!
The Lodge features five bedrooms & baths. 
Three other homes can take the overflow.










The Land

Laurel Falls has beautiful trails
 amazing rock features, 
a lovely cascading stream and small waterfalls,
and, below the lodge, an easily accessible
30-foot waterfall. In all, it's the perfect
location in which to practice techniques

learned during the workshop before
we go to other destinations!













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